Privacy Policy

Privacy is important for Nutrislays. We are committed to protecting your personal data and will protect it to the fullest extent possible. Any personal information received will only be used to fulfil your order and may be used for internal analytical purposes. We never sell or redistribute your information to anyone. 

Your personal information is only used for a secure and easy order and shipping process as part of the private order and shipping process that we follow. Additionally, your personal information is handled with the utmost discretion. 

Terms & Conditions

The person using or viewing our website is referred to as “you” here. The following terms and conditions govern the usage of this website and are believed to be a binding agreement between the user and Nutrislays. You consent to be bound by these Terms and Conditions by placing an order for any of our items. You may not use this website if you do not agree to the following Terms & Conditions.

The information on these pages is provided for general guidance. It could change without prior warning. It will be assumed that you agree to the updated Terms and Conditions if you continue to use the website.

We make no claims or warranties about the information and materials found or offered on this website in terms of their correctness, timeliness, efficiency, completeness, or their suitability for any specific purpose. You understand that these materials and information could have mistakes or inaccuracies, and we expressly disclaim all responsibility for any such errors or inaccuracies to the fullest extent permissible by law. 

You use all information and content on this website entirely at your own risk, and we will not be held responsible. You are solely responsible for ensuring that any goods, services, or information obtained from this website satisfy your particular needs.

Every piece of content on this website, including the logo, graphics, text, and design, is owned by Nutrislays and is its intellectual property, which is protected by relevant laws. No portion of the content may be used, downloaded, transferred, or published without Nutrislays’ prior written consent. A claim for damages and/or a criminal offense may result from the unauthorized use of this website.

You are not allowed to use this website in any way that could harm it, make it more difficult to use, or be unlawful, illegal, or fraudulent in any way.